What’s the average IQ score in India? State wise List of Average IQ score.

Average IQ of Indian states list

IQ tests are made to have an average score of 100. Average IQ also differs by country, state. The average IQ in India is 95.

The average IQ in India is 95. Keep in mind there are states in India like Bihar , Uttar Pradesh, and Odissa that have lower average IQ as compared to the national average IQ score.

Remember that IQ is the measure of Intelligence and ranges from 0 to 200. Moreover, because there are cultural biases and limitations, we can say that these statistics are somehow controversial.

Where to test Your IQ

World IQ Ranking provides official online IQ test since 2001.  Check your IQ Score online & Get a lifetime valid certificate. WorldIQRanking.com is the world’s leading IQ test website with millions of test experience.  

Click here to start the test: Official Online IQ Test since 2001 – World IQ Ranking

State-wise List of Average IQ Scores in India

Different factors affect the IQ scores of the nation. Some of the reasons behind the IQ score being 82 in India are the availability of limited resources, socioeconomic factors, education level, and cultural influence on an individual.

The level of education is poor and the education system in the country is not advanced. Moreover, the lack of a nutritious diet and proper food also affects the mental abilities of an individual living in the underdeveloped areas of the country.

Additionally, these ancient social structures and subtropical climate are additional causes ultimately resulting in making the country have a low average IQ level as compared to other countries in the world.

Well, there are many intelligent Indians with high IQs but if you take a random person in such a large population he or she will most probably be dumb or ignorant when it comes to intelligence.

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